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About Us

About ANS Performance

The ANS Performance brand was born in 2012 with one goal in mind: to create the best performance supplements available. We understand the competitive nature of sports, the need to succeed, to win. That passion fuels us and inspires us every day to research, formulate and create nutritional supplements of the highest quality and efficacy.

As a company formed by athletes with decades of supplement industry experience, we understand what it takes to get your body to perform at the highest level. Whether you are actively competing or a weekend warrior trying to keep fit, ANS Performance creates products to help you get there. We have tapped into the brightest and best scientific minds to develop the ANS Performance line for you. 

Everything action our company takes and every product we develop is based on foundational pillars of:

  • Passion
  • Innovation
  • Science, and
  • Quality

Over the years we have evolved to specialize in different segments of performance supplementation, including but not limited to sport performance, ketogenic and vegan lifestyles. Whether your goal is weight loss, fitness or general health - we have a solution for you within our product family. We promise you’ll see results with every product you try, guaranteed.

Quality that is Second to None!

We take the utmost care in the selection of our ingredients, their dosages, their quality and efficacy to create unique and innovative products that will help you perform regardless of your goal. 

All of our products are manufactured in full cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facilities, that are inspected and approved by either the US FDA or Health Canada. 

Every batch of products manufactured undergoes rigorous third party certified testing to ensure proper identity, purity, potency and gold-standard taste and performance.

ANS Performance is a company owned by athletes and technical professionals, working on the front lines of the science of health, wellness and fitness, creating the products they use themselves!

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